Muslim Mother’s Child Rearing Method:

Over 400 Years' Historic View of

African American Mothers' Religious Parenting Skills

A Raisin in the Sun and with a Rainbow, so Children Can See For Themselves And See Their Own Way, Peace!

Yuhaayaa L. Kaahena




Revised Completely and Updated

Muslim Mother’s Child Rearing Method:

Over 400 Years' Historic View of

African American Mothers' Religious Parenting Skills


A Raisin in the Sun and with a Rainbow, so Children Can See For Themselves And See Their Own Way,


Yuhaayaa L. Kaahena


Detroit, Michigan



Copyright 1994 by Latifa Abdullah

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any informational storage or retrieval system --- except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be reprinted in a magazine or newspaper ---- without permission in writing from the publisher. For more information contact Muslimmother, P. O., box 38266, Detroit, Michigan 48238


First printing 1994

Revised Completely and Updated printing 2005

ISBN# 1883781-0-00



Printed in the United States of America
























`This is a book about mothers with mastery of their nature for enough spirit to support the development of a child's soul through its three levels of maturing.. This nature is made by THE CREATOR to perform the role of the mother. It is given gifts, talents, or skills, which empowers a person with a position of authority. This means is given authorization and all the support to need to work for THE CREATOR'S Praise and GLORY. American religious women of African decent throughout our history, gained recognition for their influence like Rosa Parks, called the mother of the civil rights movement. We are blessed by ALMIGHTY GOD'S Grace, which empowers each and every religious women (Muslim, Christian, Jewish, etc.) with the energy to move children to seek freedom, justice, equality and peace. The role of a mother is to take care of the human soul' development from its most lowest or base level of being full of ill will (evil), hurting self and hurting others. Next, the soul develops with THE LORD'S spirit with the capacity to blame own self for being the wrong one for a repenting heart full of humility. Religious women or mothers use the gifts from THE CREATOR to keep a watch out for the developing soul to uphold it. Lastly, the upheld soul reaches its last level for its perfection due to being pleasing to THE MAKER of it to live in peaceful coexistence with other devote creatures of ALLAH, so paradise is placed at the foot of a mother for a child.

. The legacy of Mary the mother of Jesus is that kind of religious mother. This gifts from THE CREATOR to us is from a position with the strength to influence the human soul wherein finds the unseen or spiritual part of us. .ALLAH makes a religious woman empowered by the strength from these gifts to stand out. Prophet Muhammad revealed in Holy Scriptures this fact that a woman from the land of Africa of our cultural group called The People of the Book. We clearly possess a position with the strength to rise up like the sun gifted with the power to allow others to see things on our own and like the strength of a rainbow, that lets flow in streams equality regardless of differences. Such women from our culture has always stood out with this authorization from THE MAKER to do this like Mary:

And when the Angels said, "Oh Mary, ALLAH certainly had chosen you: above the women of the world.

Oh Marry, be obedient to THE LORD of you and humble yourself and bow down with those who bow down. Holy 'Quran Chapter: #3 verses: 41-42

I wrote this book for two reasons: first, it's a self-help book for mothers, and second, it provides knowledge to help others to understand us, religious women of African decent in America, better. This also allows new mothers their inheritance.



















Table of Contents

Acknowledgments: iii

Preface: iv

Introduction: vi

Step #1:

The natural ability for humility: yielding Page: 1


Step #2:

The natural ability to be close: stick together Page: 6

Step #3:

The natural ability to have spiritual faith: human spirit Page: 13

Step #4:

The natural ability to lack being one-sided (prejudice): are fair Page: 22

Step #5:

The natural ability to live free: independent Page: 28




Introduction: How Do African American Muslim Mothers Raise a Soul?

In Islam, Muslim mothers raise children like the sun goes forth in its path. Being like any other creature, there is also a right course made by THE CREATOR for us to follow. ALLAH gives us guidance along this very straight path. This guidance was revealed to Prophet Muhammad, (Peace and Blessing (of ALLAH) Be upon Him, PBUH). It is found in The Holy Quran and an example of this, it found in the Hadith. Staying upon our way, it is like being the sun alone in own way to work for only ALLAH. This way of being elevated up into an authorized position with ALLAH'S protection out of the reach of others to be able to order around. This way remains pure and free, so so we do not have ill wlll/evil in our souls wiih the desire to hurt others. Being the pleasure of ALMIGHTY GOD, this is considered to ALLAH of the best achievement for a human being. Thus, THE CREATOR blesses mothers with an authorized position; then, HE grants us the natural ability to keep it up. This is how!

1. We began with the joining of mother’s liquid egg and father’s droplet of sperm; this fluid drops into her body to rest in a submissive way and lowly place. Thus, a mother’s natural gift is being able to yield.

2. Then the droplets of fluid develop into a clot. This is an embryo in the womb. From the essence of both, the two become one piece of flesh. All is sticking together; then, a mother is sociable with the ability to stay together.

3. ALLAH next breathes the spirit of life (the Ruh) into the fetus’ lump of flesh. This puts enough spirit/energy into it to move. The fetus moves in the direction that THE MAKER makes it move into. The mother discovers the fetus moves with desires, when the fetus desires food to move. The mother eats, afterward the fetus stops moving and rests. The human spirit results in delivery; a fetus moves from the mother. A mom naturally pushes the fetus to come from the dark (under her) into the light (recognized) a sign of THE MAKER’S position of THE MOST HIGH.

4. Recognition of THE ALMIGHTY, THE CREATOR’S postion is different than the creation. The creation is just-us, so our way is to practice justice. The mother is able to exist just or be fair due to delivery. An equal or another creature like her, she exposes another worshipper.

5. Undisturbed by a honest mother, the newborn smiles, and appears happy from the peaceful state. In a pure place made by THE CREATOR only for the newborn, the infant is like the sun in a position to exist free from being below another with the mother. The humble mother has been given milk from THE MAKER inside her breast. Disconnected from the mother, a baby produces milk alone:: independent.





















Step #1: The Natural Ability to Agree to: Yielding

Let’s take a closer look at what Al-Quran states:

For sure, the similarity to recall between Jesus and Adam was to begin from dust. It is expressed: You already have a condition to exist, once it exists (then) to be. 3:53

We already have ourselves formed you; thus, we shaped you. In which case, we said, belonging to the Angels they prostrate for Adam; they (all) prostrate. Iblis did not want to, exist from the prostraters.

HE said, "What stopped you from prostrating when I ordered you?" He said: "I topped him (Adam). YOU have formed me from (offended or enraged) fire, and YOU make him from black (unrecognizable) clay."

HE said, "Get down from it, (still lowered with it to know) then you still exist having yourself. You are still with it; then, you cannot come forth, feeling, superior, so that you are of those miserable." 7:11-13

Abu Huraira reported the Messenger (Peace and Blessings be Upon Him) of ALLAH as saying: "Many a person who puts aside their hair, so it is covered with dust at the doors is being turned away (by others) ALLAH meanwhile holds him in leading regard. If, he enjoined with the name of ALLAH (about anything), ALLAH would fulfill that."

Jahimah came to Muhammad (PBUH) He also said, "O Messenger of ALLAH! I wanted that could invade (to be at war) myself. Also, I already came to you; can you give sound advice?" He then said: "Do you have a mother?" He said, "yes!" He said: "In that case, stick with her. The Garden of Paradise is down at her feet."

Human life started in the Garden of Paradise-a place of peace, love, being lowly and at ease-one with creation with our first parents, Adam and Eve. They prostrated or yielded with a humble attitude for THE CREATOR of them. After maintaining a bending position in the mother’s womb for 9 months, the fetus is released to advance our existence. Thus, during a natural childbirth, an offspring drops down onto the mat or rug on the floor in a prostration or bending position besides the mother’s heels that is in a squatting position.

Natural childbirth is so fast that the newborn drop out, which is painless, the umbilical cord naturally breaks on its own, and the newborn baby does not cry due to not being handled. When a mother picks the newborn up from the mat, which drops onto it like a prostration in a Muslim praying, the newborn comes out peaceful and


undisturbed in front of THE MOST HIGH. For this reason, paradise is at her feet; it was our first parents' state.

"Two doors of Paradise are opened for a person whose day commences when his/her parents are pleased with him/her. ", reported by al-Jame al-Sa’adat Vol II pp. 259

Again, this shows the state of being pleased, peaceful or undisturbed for Paradise. There was a doctor on the television news last night with an ultrasound picture of a fetus in the mother’s womb. It was the first report ultrasound picture to get a clear picture of the fetus smiling in the womb. The bending fetus down from the mother within her or his place looked happy. As a result, the doctor was amazed of such behavior at this stage of human development. In Islam, the Muslim mother knows paradise rests at one’s feet due to agreeable prostraters.

Likewise, the surrendering earth yields. Still at the same time its towering mountains reach high above us and beside it, we appear lowly. Moreover, the mother stands over the fetus, which rests in a lowly place inside her. Being prostraters, all creatures have a lower position than THE MOST HIGH and HE makes us appear this way in front of HIM. At the same time, this far out creature, earth is at our feet with enough space for all to find our way to THE MAKER.

All creatures share this same gift to yield like the mother. Therefore, the GOD-fearing mother-to-be understands to yield to the formation of the droplets from her husband and self into another creature like them. She knows to surrender to THE CREATOR. All creatures belong to THE CREATOR:

During the nine months inside the mother’s womb, the fetus rests in the dark within a bending position; the body limbs appears a certain way, as if one is buckling under some force for a perfect prostration. In the womb, this course of nonstop yielding brings us in the end to delivery. From this (yielding) position, a human offspring is set free from being lower than another human being. One is naturally delivered, since humans are made to exist lower than ALLAH alone. Praise ALLAH for such good news. It is a delusion to think different like in racism. It is only a racist mother who is mean from being too self-important, superior and enraged by child who is unable to be less important and secondary to her.

In Islam, Muslim mothers value this fetal position throughout life, because of being prostrators. We bend the body limbs like that of the fetal position during prayer to show our trust in ALLAH. During Salaat, Islamic Prayer, we do this five times daily. Thus, the fetal position of bending is a good position for human development to a Muslim mother. To learn, we eventually are released from a condition of being


beneath another creature, when we have to yield in a situation from being in the dark about the future with trust in THE MAKER of all creatures, the mother is another sign of this reality with this gift

Once ALLAH favors us with a gift to use, nothing in the whole creation can take away ALLAH’S blessing in life. Every creature has an authorized place of empowerment, which is beyond the limitations of another to handle and pregnancy distinguishes a mother’s position. A woman like any other creature possesses a GOD given position. The good mothers appreciate this gift, uses our ability, clearly being out of the reach of another to handle, what stands out is being able to support the fetus prostrating before ALLAH.

It is only when one rejects one’s gift to lose this. Only an arrogant racist mother refuses to use this gift. As a result, the child fears the mean mother who thinks she is more important than the child. This kind of mother is frustrated, when the innocent child rebels. She becomes so stressful, until she has a nervous breakdown. The unfit mother destroys her nature; then, she feels sad, anxious from fear, and lacks self worth. She hurts herself and an innocent child at the same time with denial.

Thus, her child did not find out how to accept another lowly creature. The child learned only how to disapprove of others creatures in the dark like the devil did our first parents. The devil, made of fire, was in a mad outrage. To Satan the thought of prostrating in front of THE ONE GOD with Adam who came forth from dust to the devil was beneath him. THE LORD uses HIS servant Adam to let the devil know his nature. The devil is still just another creature in a lower position to relation to THE CREATOR.

The unfit mother acts like the devil. She is not going to appear subservient by use of another creature like the rest of creation in front of THE MAKER to think in her delusion. The child learns to think crazy to! The unfit one lets the child cry in misery, only gives her attention when the child acts defiant, unyielding or disrespecting her. The child thinks negative, feels hate, and acts like others’ superior who acts mean to any one that does not do what she or he wants. Thinking the wrong way, feeling bad and acting out, such a child's soul is neglected, since it is still at the first level for the soul, unraised. It is THE MOST MERCIFUL WHO has The Power to protect us with the guidance in the Holy Scriptures, and shows us the right way instead of the wrong way to be and uselessness that leads to annihilation with suicidal behavior from GOD'S Wrath! ALLAH shows us our way, bringing us forth out of darkness into the light, and guides us along the way with HIS Mercy.


Yes indeed, humans out of dust all started out in the dark into our mothers’ wombs, which a religious woman keeps in her mind. Mothers have the ability to act accepting, humble, and subservient with an offspring in front of ALLAH. While the racist mother considers her another’s superior, the Muslim considers the human child is not god only ALLAH is THE ALMIGHTY GOD. Mary like a raisin in the sun was not moved by anyone concerning her position: a mother. He did not lay a hand on her in his humble situation inside her womb for nine months.

Mary went far away from her people like African American mothers departed from Africa for almost 400 years during American slavery. People did not break such women of our culture, after THE CREATOR made them mothers. They always were portrayed as strong with or without a man. They were not stressed out by being degraded by a devilish person. Like the sun, Mary was fit enough to raise a son who appeared lowly in front of THE SOLE MASTER of him. This is good news indeed, so one bears in mind the parenting skill to yield. ALLAH is SUPERIOR ONE to serve. Mary’s story reveals:

So she conceived him, Jesus, and she retired with him to a remote place.

And the pains of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a palm-tree; she cried (in anguish): ‘Ah! That I would have died before this! That I would had been a thing forgotten and out of sight!"

But (a voice) cried to her from beneath; "Grieve not, for The LORD of you had provided a stream beneath you;

And shake towards you the trunk of the palm-tree; it will let fall fresh ripe dates upon you."

"So eat and drink and cool (your) eye. Also, if you do see any man, say, "I have vowed a fast to THE MOST GRACIOUS and this day, I will not enter into a conversation for any person."

At length, she brought (baby) to her people. They said, "O Mary! Truly an amazing thing you have brought.

Oh sister of Aaron! You father was not a man of evil, nor you mother an unchaste woman."

But she just pointed to the baby, they said: "How can we talk to one who is a child in the cradle?"

He said: "I am indeed a servant of ALLAH; HE has given me revelation and made me 5

A prophet and HE has made me blessed where ever I be, and has enjoined on me prayer and charity as long as I live;

(HE) has made me kind to my mother, and not overbearing or miserable,

so, peace is on me the day I was born, the day that I die and the day that I will be raised up to life (again)!" 19:22-33

A Muslimah who trusts THE ALMIGHTY will go to any limit to yield, and in the end earns a reward like Mary’s from THE LORD for the service. Mary regarded ALLAH. She vowed to limit her speech to ALLAH. Mary refused to speak for another person. She did not even speak for Jesus. Mary just pointed to him and her son spoke up for his own self. Mary gave way to him like each creature gives way to the other to shine with faith in THE CREATOR to take care of it. We turn to ALLAH!

We direct man to show kindness to his parents, for with great pain his mother bears him and he is weaned (from breast-milk) before he is two years of age. We said: "Give thanks to ME and to your parents!" "To ME, all things will return." Sura Luqman, verse 14

ALLAH pleased by this in Al-Quran revealed:

The LORD of you ordered that you do not worship anyone except for HIM; also, treat your father and mother good! If one or both of them grow old in your presence never tell them that you got weary (of them), and do not speak harshly to them; speak gently/calm to them. Be kind and observe humility before them and say: "Oh Lord, bless them in the same manner in which they nurtured me during my childhood." Sura Bani Israel verse: 23-24

Thus, a Muslim mother does not overlook the natural pity that children express, after she may have acted wrong toward the child because of human weaknesses. Mother wit involves the appreciation of pity from children for our weak conditions, so we use it to rear children into the right direction: act compliant. Therefore, the good child out of pity learns to show kindness to a mother who is not too proud to appreciate a child’s sympathy for her during her frail moments because of humble. In Al-Quran, Prophet Muhammad mentioned the natural existence of Yahya in the Holy Scripture; he states:

Oh Yahya, motivating one, get the Book to use for strength. We also gave him wisdom, while he was a child. From our bending, he pities since genuine which is also being GOD-fearing. Toward parents, he uses proper treatment. He also never


insulted them for disobedient. Peace was upon him the time to see him (his delivery). Furthermore, a day is for his absence from life: death. A time is also to see him raised-up in life. 19:12-15

Accordingly, there is a desired end to rear a child toward; there is a real goal to a Muslim mother. There is a saying of ALLAH’S Messenger about it:

"Two doors of Paradise are opened for a person whose day commences when his/her parents are pleased with him/her. " It was reported by al-Jame al-Sa’adat Vol II pp. 259

Therefore, you raise a child right, when the child learns from your example to pity you with human weakness. For it is our nature to bend, we must yield to something beyond our ability to control/handle on account of THE HIGHER POWER. From our conception, mothers supported our yielding before ALLAH'S EYES in a prostration: pure. Complying with the mother's authorized position to work for ALLAH. Agreeable children do please a parent.

A man came into the presence of the holy Prophet and said: "I like to perform Jihad in the cause of ALLAH, but my mother is not inclined towards my doing so." The holy Prophet (PBUH) replied: "Go back and remain with your mother. I swear by The LORD WHO has sent me on a true mission that to remain with one’s mother for one night, serving her and doing good to her, is better than performing Jihad, fighting, in the cause of ALLAH for a year."

Take to forgiveness, direct toward the good, and turn away from ignorance. 7: 199